Veteran Quote is exclusive to only U.S. Military Veteran Business Owners who specialize in Home, Commercial, & Professional Services. All members must have served in one of the five branches of military service. Please do not create a listing unless you truly are a Veteran of the Armed Forces.
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Are you tired of paying high fees for leads from companies like Home Advisor or Angie’s List?
Well, VeteranQuote solves that problem for you.
No longer do you have to pay for lead generation.
No longer do you have to compete for leads.
VeteranQuote is a new way for Veteran Business Owners to keep their profits instead of paying high fees to Home Advisor or Angie’s List.
The great thing about VeteranQuote is, you are among your peers. Those who fought and served for this great country.
Your fellow Veterans.
This website is not open to business owners who are non-veterans.
We provide complete transparency on our operations budget. Each member contributes to our ability to compete against the leading competitors in the home service or professional service industry; e.g. Home Advisor, Angie’s List, Handy, Find Law, Amazon, etc.
Get access to a team of dedicated staff members.
This includes promotion videos, Facebook posts, press releases, and strategic partnerships.
This includes Google Search Ads, Youtube Ads, Google Display Ads, and Facebook Ads.
This includes the recruitment of more Veterans to join and to open new markets.
This includes technical maintenance, dedicated server, software licenses, edits, and curation of content/profiles.